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Daily speaking practice or how to practice English on a daily basis?

English can’t be learned on the fly, forged a week before a trip abroad or a job interview. English can only be learned through daily, or at least more or less regular, practice. So what might such daily speaking practice look like, i.e. an exercise in speaking English on a daily basis?

Daily speaking practice ideas

Today I would like to share with you some loose tips for practicing English on a daily basis. How can you independently practice your English on a daily basis, and especially how do you teach yourself to speak English?

1. Learn English often, not necessarily in long sessions

First, try to incorporate English into your daily routine. Instead of a one-time intensive block of study, try weaving English into different aspects of your day. For example, you can start your day by watching a short video in English while eating breakfast. It’s a great way to get used to pronunciation and accent, whether British, American or any other – there’s everything on the Internet!

  • Daily speaking practice tip: Subscribe to channels about learning English on YouTube for free!

2. Practice English regularly on the app or online platform

The second idea is to use language learning apps that offer daily lessons and exercises. The problem with them, however, is often that they usually develop only passive knowledge of English. You can practice grammar or learn vocabulary, but it is difficult to learn to speak English.

Therefore, choose such an English learning app that will actually develop your ability to speak English aloud on a daily basis.

A great idea here is the app (or online English course) Speakingo, as learning here involves speaking English aloud to a computer or phone. The course methodology includes 2,000 of the most important English words and all the grammar, but you learn them like a child learning to speak. You listen to the voice of a native speaker, look at pretty pictures and speak in English with whole sentences that enter your head by themselves! Such daily practice in speaking English is not only extremely enjoyable, but also very effective!


3. No time? Do several things at once!

You can take a walk or go to the gym while listening to podcasts or audiobooks in English. It’s not only a great way to improve listening comprehension, but also to learn new words and phrases.

If you come across something interesting on the Internet, consider whether it is also available in English. Read articles, participate in online discussions – all these provide a variety of sources that will enrich your vocabulary and understanding of English-speaking culture.

Do you want to watch a movie? See it in English. Do you like computer games? Install the English version for yourself. In a word – try to implement English in your daily activities that you do anyway!

  • Daily speaking practice tip: Think about what element of your life you can additionally weave English learning into.

4. Practice thinking in English

During the day, try to think in English. Can you think all the time anyway? Why not do it in English! Perhaps then you will have these thoughts less, making you less tired of thinking during the day! And interestingly enough, when you think in English, better ideas may come to your mind!

  • Daily speaking practice tip: Whenever you can, switch your internal commentator to English.

5. Speak English with people from other countries

One last piece of advice is to have regular conversations in English with people from abroad, native speakers but not only. You don’t have to immediately look for someone for private lessons – there are many opportunities to join chat groups, exchange experiences and develop your skills in a relaxed atmosphere. What’s more, such learning motivates well, because you see how important it is to be able to communicate in English!

  • Daily speaking practice tip: Find foreign friends with whom you can speak only English!

Daily speaking practice is a long process

Remember that the learning process is a journey, not a sprint.

Incorporate these small changes into your daily routine, play with the language, and enjoy every little bit of progress. It’s do key to building your confidence and speaking English freely on a daily basis!

  • Daily speaking practice tip: Remember that the key to success in mastering a new language is regularity and variety of activities.

Every journey must always begin with the first step!

Enroll in the SPEAKINGO English course and finally learn to speak English fluently!

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SPEAKINGO METHOD incorporates 2000 most popular English words. If you know them, you can understand 90% of all conversations in English. There is also all the grammar that you might need. But you don’t learn the theory – you learn the practice by speaking aloud correct sentences, naturally like a child learning to speak! Watch beautiful pictures, listen to a native speaker – and answer the questions, that’s it! Speakingo will understand you, praise you or correct your answers. This is not only the most effective method, but also highly pleasant way of learning English!

This english learning site and app is available in the following language versions:

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Курс английского языка, говоря по-английски!

Хочешь понимать английский? Начни говорить как они! Попробуйте этот быстрый и эффективный метод изучения английского языка в течение 7 дней бесплатно и без каких-либо обязательств!

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Ви хочете зрозуміти англійську? Почніть говорити як вони! Спробуйте цей швидкий та ефективний метод вивчення англійської мови протягом 7 днів безкоштовно та без будь-яких зобов’язань!

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Khóa học tiếng Anh bằng cách nói chuyện bằng tiếng Anh!

Bạn có muốn hiểu tiếng Anh? Bắt đầu nói chuyện như họ! Hãy thử phương pháp học tiếng Anh nhanh và hiệu quả này trong 7 ngày miễn phí và không có bất kỳ nghĩa vụ nào!

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