How to learn English at home?
A doctor of English and long-time English teacher advises how to effectively learn English at home.
On this page you will find texts about ways and methods of learning English effectively by Dr Greg Kay, author of the blog and the Speakingo online course.
Read how to study English effectively to learn it quickly and enjoyably!
A doctor of English and long-time English teacher advises how to effectively learn English at home.
You can find many online English courses on the Internet, encouraging you to learn English at home. But is it even possible to learn English on your own?
Lack of time – this is the most frequently repeated excuse by people who delay learning a language indefinitely. “I have so many things to do that I don’t know what to put off first!” 🙂 Nowadays everyone is busy. We have a million responsibilities
Successful learning of English is the dream of everyone embarking on the path of linguistic development. What tips and tricks can polyglots with years of experience in teaching and learning languages offer?
English can’t be learned on the fly, forged a week before a trip abroad or a job interview. English can only be learned through daily, or at least more or less regular, practice. So what might such daily speaking practice look like, i.e. an exercise
Knowledge of English means a better job, freedom to travel, unlimited access to knowledge and even better health. However, not everyone has the time and money for courses and lessons. So the question for a hundred points is: How quickly and effectively can you learn
We hear a lot about grammar, about words. But knowing them does not at all guarantee that we will be able to get along! So how do you learn to speak English and do it yourself at home?
One sees ads on the Internet promising to teach you English in a week, or three months, to a communicative level. Okay, but communicative level means actually what level? Does the fact that I had English as a Foreign Language at school mean that my
Effective English learning over the Internet is definitelly possible, but like everything it has its advantages and disadvantages. Several factors need to be taken into account to ensure that our scientific “bicycle does not drive into the sand.”
What kind of an English as a foreign language is “practical”? As usual, we can expand on this simple question to provide a complicated answer to the question of what kind of English course you are really looking for.
SPEAKINGO METHOD incorporates 2000 most popular English words. If you know them, you can understand 90% of all conversations in English. There is also all the grammar that you might need. But you don’t learn the theory – you learn the practice by speaking aloud correct sentences, naturally like a child learning to speak! Watch beautiful pictures, listen to a native speaker – and answer the questions, that’s it! Speakingo will understand you, praise you or correct your answers. This is not only the most effective method, but also highly pleasant way of learning English!
Chcete rozumět angličtině? Začněte mluvit jako oni! Vyzkoušejte tuto rychlou a efektivní metodu výuky angličtiny na 7 dní zdarma a bez závazků!
Искате ли да разберете английски? Започнете да говорите като тях! Изпробвайте този бърз и ефективен метод за изучаване на английски за 7 дни безплатно и без никакви задължения!
Du willst Englisch verstehen? Fangen Sie an, wie sie zu reden! Probieren Sie diese schnelle und effektive Methode des Englischlernens 7 Tage lang kostenlos und unverbindlich aus!
¿Quieres entender el inglés? ¡Empieza a hablar como ellos! ¡Prueba este método rápido y efectivo para aprender inglés durante 7 días gratis y sin compromiso!
Vuoi capire l'inglese? Inizia a parlare come loro! Prova questo metodo veloce ed efficace per imparare l'inglese per 7 giorni gratuitamente e senza alcun obbligo!
Meg akarod érteni az angolt? Kezdj el úgy beszélni, mint ők! Próbáld ki ezt a gyors és hatékony angoltanulási módszert 7 napig ingyen és minden kötelezettség nélkül!
Chcesz zrozumieć Anglików? Zacznij mówić jak oni! Wypróbój tę szybką i skuteczną metodę nauki języka angielskiego przez 7 dni za darmo i bez żadnych zobowiązań!
Хочешь понимать английский? Начни говорить как они! Попробуйте этот быстрый и эффективный метод изучения английского языка в течение 7 дней бесплатно и без каких-либо обязательств!
Ви хочете зрозуміти англійську? Почніть говорити як вони! Спробуйте цей швидкий та ефективний метод вивчення англійської мови протягом 7 днів безкоштовно та без будь-яких зобов’язань!
Bạn có muốn hiểu tiếng Anh? Bắt đầu nói chuyện như họ! Hãy thử phương pháp học tiếng Anh nhanh và hiệu quả này trong 7 ngày miễn phí và không có bất kỳ nghĩa vụ nào!
Register for the course or download the Speakingo app to not only get a free week of learning, but also to sign up for a free newsletter with blog news!
What kind of an English as a foreign language is “practical”? As usual, we can expand on this simple question to provide a complicated answer
English can’t be learned on the fly, forged a week before a trip abroad or a job interview. English can only be learned through daily,
Words? Grammar? The best way to learn English is by speaking English! A scientist and experienced English teacher advises.
You know that I’m always on the lookout for new apps to aid in learning English. Recently, I stumbled upon one that offers an interesting
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