The difference between then and than comes down to one tiny letter and is problematic not only for English learners but also for native speakers. Check out these 7 memes in English so you ‘ll never confuse than & then again !
What is the difference between then & than?
The difference between then and than is not particularly complicated:
- THEN means “afterwards, later, after that.”
- THAN means “in comparison to.”
That is, as we see in the panda meme:
“THEN we use with changes in time.”
First I stole a panda bear, then we drank malt liquor together.
The sequence of events indicates the timing: first the theft, then the libation.
On the other hand:
“THAN we use for comparisons.”
I’m much better at holding my liquor than a panda bear.
This is a comparison of the panda’s alcohol competence to your own, so you should use “than” (than).
Then or than in memes in English
As then is also confused with than by English speakers and Americans, you can find many memes on the Internet emphatically illustrating the difference between the two English words.
Below, in my opinion, are the best of them:

The number of times you should use then to compare two things.
- Never.

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- then
- than
I would rather be hugged …. eaten.
Note what a difference it makes whether we give than or then:
- Sentence with then: I want you to hug me and next you can eat me.
- Whereas the sentence with than: I would rather be hugged and not be eaten.
English grammar can save your life!

Similarly, here the meaning is quite different!
- I’d rather cuddle than have sex (no sex).
- I prefer to cuddle and then have sex (cuddling + sex).
The same will happen with food:

- I would rather eat pizza than a burger with bacon (only pizza).
Or rather:
- I would rather eat pizza and then a burger with bacon (both).
May we just not adopt the mindset of the dog or wolf from the meme below!

It is better to eat something and then puke it out,
and then eat it again
Than to never eat it at all!
Now that you know the difference between then & than you will understand the authentic meme in English:

If someone is “hotter” (more attractive) than you, it means that you are “colder” (cooler, more laid back).
Exercises for using then and than in sentences!
The most important thing, however, is to know whether to use then or than in practical sentences. And not the ones written slowly on a piece of paper, when we have time to remember all the rules (if we know them at all) – but in a real, quick conversation.
To do this, we need a habit of practical and correct use of English grammatical constructions and vocabulary in the right context – not dry theory!
That’s why learning at Speakingo’s online English course is 100% about practice. You speak English aloud to your phone or computer, which understands you, praises you, and corrects you if necessary. In this way, you learn like a child learning to speak – you acquire the correct structures without even thinking about what they are called in a bandied English descriptive grammar textbook!
And because it’s personalized online English learning, you can learn when you want and for how long you want, at any time of the day or night.
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Is the difference between then and than already clear as day? If you have any additional questions, please ask them boldly in the comments at the bottom of the page!
Meme with a panda from