Blog of the Speakingo online English course

How British colonialists abolished slavery
You may have heard that British colonialism is evil itself. Or maybe not quite? Did you know that it was mainly British colonialism that strongly contributed to the abolition of slavery?

5 methods of learning English when we don’t have time for it
Lack of time – this is the most frequently repeated excuse by people who delay learning a language indefinitely. “I have so many things to do that I don’t know what to put off first!” 🙂 Nowadays everyone is busy.

How to learn English at home?
A doctor of English and long-time English teacher advises how to effectively learn English at home.
Blog text categories:
- English phrases
- Methods for effective learning
- English online
- Business English
- Listening comprehension
- English humour
- Hyde Park
- Expat's corner
- Motivation to learn
- Teachers' room
- Exams and certificates
- English grammar
- Beginner level (A1-A2)
- Intermediate (B1-B2)
- Advanced level (C1-C2)
- Guest posts
- Words and idioms
- Song translations
Learning English can not only be fast and effective, but also easy and fun! On Speakingo’s online self-study English blog, you’ll find everything you’ve always wanted to know about the English language but were afraid to ask!
Learn more about online English learning methods, grammar, life in England, increase your motivation to learn English and laugh at language jokes and memes in English. And all this without leaving home!
Sign up for Speakingo’s online English course to receive emails with news on this blog for free!
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The Rise of Video Conferences in Modern Communication
In an era where physical distances can hinder communication, a new mode of interaction has emerged as an invaluable tool. This innovative method allows individuals and teams to connect seamlessly, breaking down barriers imposed by geography. As society embraces this

How comedians apologize for being late for work in English? [FUNNY]
Did you oversleep? Learn how to say “Sorry, I’m late” in English in basic form, as well as in many creative ways invented by comedians from the Irish cabaret Foil Arms and Hog.

Cute memes with dogs
This will be the most beautiful thing you will see this week! Cute memes with dogs – in English with translation, of course. Because who said learning English can’t be fun!

Learn English and plant trees!
Did you know that by purchasing the SPEAKINGO English course you are planting trees? A portion of your English learning fee goes to the Click a Tree Foundation, which plants trees around the world in your name! Why is this

Learning English for IT professionals – learn Shakespeare’s language better than C#!
Is learning English for IT professionals important? Is a good programmer enough with the few vocabulary words learned in computer games? Learn 4 reasons why you should learn English! And for dessert, an interview about English learning methods with a

Learning English effectively – 5 tips from a polyglot
Successful learning of English is the dream of everyone embarking on the path of linguistic development. What tips and tricks can polyglots with years of experience in teaching and learning languages offer?

Drunk St. Patrick’s Day, patron saint of Ireland
See how St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in Ireland and the US on March 17. Learn more about St. Patrick’s Day and what are the roots of this interesting tradition.

Daily speaking practice or how to practice English on a daily basis?
English can’t be learned on the fly, forged a week before a trip abroad or a job interview. English can only be learned through daily, or at least more or less regular, practice. So what might such daily speaking practice

12 inspirational quotes by famous women
Without a doubt, women are a source of inspiration. Do you know these 12 inspirational quotes by famous women (in English, of course) and who said them?
Search the blog:

Tips to Improve Your English Speaking Skills
English is often regarded as the global lingua franca, with over 1400 million speakers worldwide. Whether you’re a student, professional, or language enthusiast, fluency in English is now becoming an invaluable skill, especially if you want to fit into the global community. Improving your English speaking skills can also help improve your communication abilities. This

Witty tips for young parents (parenting hacks)
Check out these 24 brilliant tips for young parents (parenting hacks) in English that will make the process of raising your little ones easier!

What is it like to learn English on an online course?
Find out step by step how learning English on Speakingo’s online course looks like and why it’s worth trying out just this online English course.

A practical course in English… which means?
What kind of an English as a foreign language is “practical”? As usual, we can expand on this simple question to provide a complicated answer to the question of what kind of English course you are really looking for.

InterSub: Improving English Through Interactive Video Subtitles
You know that I’m always on the lookout for new apps to aid in learning English. Recently, I stumbled upon one that offers an interesting approach to learning through interactive video subtitles. It allows you to quickly grasp unfamiliar words while watching videos on Netflix, YouTube or Coursera.

How can you learn English quickly and effectively on your own?
Knowledge of English means a better job, freedom to travel, unlimited access to knowledge and even better health. However, not everyone has the time and money for courses and lessons. So the question for a hundred points is: How quickly and effectively can you learn English on your own?

have you had enough of theory?
Do you need practice?
Learning English grammar – especially on the Speakingo blog of course! – It may even be simple and enjoyable, but the most important thing is always practice!
That’s why I invite you to take the English course itself, where all the grammar and vocabulary described in the blog is put into interesting sentences, which you use to talk to your phone or computer like the best teacher who understands you, praises or corrects you – and never loses patience!
Click below to try this no-strings-attached method of learning English completely free!
Just make sure to choose your native language correctly when registering!